What's new in Bootstrap 5.3.0?

What's new in Bootstrap 5.3.0?

Discover the Exciting Updates and Improvements in Bootstrap 5.3.0, Empowering Developers to Create Stunning and Responsive Web Applications

Let's start exploring....!

As a Front-end Developer, I'm excited to share with you the latest features in Bootstrap 5.3.0. In Bootstrap 5.3.0, we can expect several enhancements and improvements. One area that Bootstrap consistently focuses on is the grid system. With each update, the grid system becomes more flexible and customizable, allowing developers to create responsive layouts with ease.

List of new features.

Beyond all the color mode updates, new helpers, and new utilities, we have a ton of other quality-of-life updates in this release. Here’s a quick rundown of the highlights:

  • Navs now have new :focus-visible styles that better match our custom button focus styles.

  • CSS variable-based border-width utilities have been reverted to set their property directly (as was done before v5.2.0). This avoids inheritance issues across nested elements, including tables.

  • Added new .border-black utility to match our .text-black and .bg-black utilities.

  • Deprecated the .text-muted utility and $text-muted Sass variable. It’s been replaced by .text-body-secondary and $body-secondary-color.

  • Added a check for interpolated variables to catch compilation errors with Node Sass when using Sass variables in calc() functions.

  • Started using --bs-border-radius variables across more components.

  • Added .d-inline-grid utility class.

  • Fixed .tooltip-inner placement when using variations in fallbackPlacements.

  • Fix selectors for dark mode carousel overrides when compiling with $color-mode-type: media-query.

  • Updated the styling of floating labels when “floated” to include a background-color to help with multiple lines of text in textareas. This also fixes the colors when form elements are disabled in floating forms.

  • Updated RFS to v10.0.0.

Get the release.

npm i bootstrap@v5.2.3

For more info.

For more information and details about the new updates, you can refer to the official Bootstrap.com docs.