Google Developer Student Clubs

Google Developer Student Clubs

Google Developer Student Club

Is important for all students who want to enhance their skills practically as a developer. It allows and gives the students free opportunity to face real-life challenges. Students study theoretical things in their universities and colleges all the time, and it is helpful in a way, but most students don’t know how to imply that in their careers ahead. Those students who are motivated to create a great future ahead but internally are introverts and want to think out of the box but are just going with the flow of their life, mostly they get confused and shy away from their problems and don’t seek help, afraid they might get hurt, or what if they are wrong? But GDSC appreciates them asking about their problems freely from their mentors, provided by GDSC, for students from time to time on different levels. It is a great advantage for all levels of students to seek guidance from their seniors and build personal and professional connections, which can help them in their future ahead. They can access all Google Developer resources and work together on small problems in a friendly but learning environment.